Probably stupid question, but

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Thu Aug 29 09:40:19 UTC 2013

On Thursday 29 August 2013 04:58:30 Ric Moore did opine:

> On 08/28/2013 02:16 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Wednesday 28 August 2013 13:48:22 Tom H did opine:
> >> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> 
> >>> Since Network-Mangler is in dependency hell and cannot be removed,
> >>> the chattr after fixing the real files right is a heck of a good
> >>> idea.  It doesn't seem to mind not being able to overwrite a good
> >>> file with its version of hog slop, dreamed up out of thin air.
> >> 
> >> In what way does NM not work for you?
> > 
> > It repeatedly tore down a working connection for me, in under a
> > minute, I went through this loop about 10-12 times when I installed
> > 12.04.2LTS on this machine, on a drive which is currently sitting on
> > /dev/sdb.
> Gene, you might try WICD. Last time I installed it, I could safely
> remove NM after, without the install pitching a fit. I think it worked
> better with olde timey hosts files. I just opened synaptic and wicd is
> available! For a change, NM is working for me, so I'm leaving it alone.
> Ric

I believe that is whats on my lappy with its Mint 14 install, and due to 
the similarity of the pulldown menu for the connection functions, I'd guess 
thats whats on this xubuntu setup.  Right now I've been told I'm wrong so 
many times I'm not sure my name is Gene. :(

And, sitting here thinking about it, putting 2 & 2 together so to speak, I 
had our nook color connecting over the wifi, but several months ago it 
started failing to negotiate, then the last time I tried to use the lappy's 
plugin usb radio dongle, that also failed.  That points at the common 
point, something in the router, which I had setup as a dhcp-server, handing 
out a maximum of 10 addresses starting at .100.  I don't recall changing 
anything in the router (its dd-wrt in a buffalo NetFinity HiPwr)  and it 
looks good right now when I go trolling through its menu's.  But I do have 
2 of these machines, this one and the lappy, registered as static leases, 
identified by the MAC address and FQDN.

So that brings up the next question:  Do we actually have a DHCP test dummy 
client that does nothing but report the responses from the server, and 
whether or not they are correct?  Or is that a special case of setting a 
debug parameter in the WICD config someplace?

The target machine, with 12.04 Xubuntu LTS on it, seems to be missing huge 
swaths of the man pages, which is a chicken v egg situation, no 
networking=no man pages from the network.  Pretty circular failure...

Is that fixable such that I can, 20 miles out in the sticks, type man dhcpd 
or man dchpd.conf and get those man pages?

They are not installed now, but what is available appears to be when I 
query synaptic.

I went back out this evening, and having a few older HD's laying around, 
found a 61Gb WD that smartctl seems to think is good, installed it as ide0-
slave, nuked its partition table down to 2+ a gig of swap, then formatted 
it ext4 & mounted it to a subdir in her home directory, setting that up in 
/etc/fstab, giving her a place to put another 55 gigs of stuff thats immune 
to the main drive failure.  Neither is fresh, 25,000+ hours, 200+ spin-ups 
but no re-allocated sectors.  Yet...

Thank you all.

Cheers, Gene
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