Requirement of RAM for dual installation of Window 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 13.04 64 bit

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Aug 28 18:04:03 UTC 2013

On 28 August 2013 19:00, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
> Please tell me in what way my advice was incorrect. According to
> "Windows 7 in Depth" Windows 7 will run on 1GB of ram; according to
> the Ubuntu website, the latest version will run on 1GB or ram.
> There is no question at all that the system will run better and
> faster on more ram, and I don't know of anyone in this day and age who
> would "recommend" less than 4GB. 8GB gives you room for large file
> manipulations or games, and for expansion in the future.

The question was why 64-bit Ubuntu is not appearing in the system boot
menu, when 32-bit worked.

Whatever the answer is, it is nothing to do with how much RAM is in the machine.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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