Printer Question

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Wed Aug 28 01:59:14 UTC 2013

On Tuesday 27 August 2013 21:46:13 Phil did opine:

> On 27/08/13 21:30, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> > On 08/26/2013 08:15 PM, Robert Holtzm wrote:
> >> Looking at their web site I see  no inkjet printers. I have no
> >> experience
> >> 
> >  > with laserjets. How do they work with long (weeks/months) periods
> >  > of inactivity?
> I bought a HP Laserjet Pro 100 colour printer because HP printers are
> well supported under Linux and I was sick of throwing good money away on
> dried up ink cartridges. I use my printer perhaps once a month and it
> hasn't missed a beat.
> The printer works well with a USB and Ethernet connection but it's not
> discoverable via my wireless network, not even under Windows. So I
> suspect that my router (a Technicolor brand) is not compatible.
> Otherwise I'm happy with my printer.

Many routers do NOT by default allow the wifi radio access to your local 
network, mainly because that is a security hole a drive by hacker can 
exploit.  A hole you could put 88,000 lbs of swinging beef through at 80 
mph.  The wifi has access to the internet, but not to your stuff.  Some 
routers will let you setup a specific port forward that might be able to 
get around that, or worse yet, bridge the wifi to your local network 
leaving you wide open, but that isn't one of your smarter moves in a more 
populous environment.  My Brother HL3170CDW has both wireless which is 
currently disabled, and ethernet, which I may switch it to at some point as 
that would simplify my printing a man page or 40 from one of the shop 
machines, at the expense of making those puny atoms do all the render work 
on a single 1.6Ghz core.  That might gain me some speed from this machine, 
but I really think the major bottleneck is this 2.1 Ghz quad core phenom, 
needs more iron in the engine block.

Cheers, Gene
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