Probably stupid question, but

Peter Smout smoutpete at
Tue Aug 27 21:43:38 UTC 2013

On 27/08/13 22:29, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 27 August 2013 22:06, Peter Smout <smoutpete at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Probably stupid question, but..... What repo?
>> I have assumed medibuntu as that contains the non-free software, If so
>> what is package name?
>> I ask because a friend of mine is having flash issues ATM & I dont want
>> to advise him to do it the way i have, (from adobe) if there is a better
>> / safer way!
> Medibuntu seems to have fallen into semi-disuse these days, since
> Flash and the other things are in "universe" (IIRC) as part of the
> [remix]-restricted-extras package(s).
> Last time I used Medibuntu was on Debian.
A quick look on mine now I am home again shows ubuntu-restriced-extras
as being in multiverse (although I still have medibuntu enabled I will
look and see what I have that is installed from there tomorrow when I am
more awake!)

Thanks for the info.... I have  passed it on to my friend, will start a
new thread if any further probs....

Pete S

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