Probably stupid question, but

Peter Smout smoutpete at
Tue Aug 27 21:06:45 UTC 2013

On 27/08/13 19:33, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 08/27/2013 01:18 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Tuesday 27 August 2013 12:31:56 Liam Proven did opine:
>>> On 25 August 2013 18:51, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
>>>> So how does one go about coaxing adobe to disgorge the correct .bin
>>>> containing the .deb?
>>> You don't.
>> And then you have the nerve to upbraid me for building from a tarball or
>> installing the vendors .bin?
> Gene, Liam gave you good advice, ~within the Ubuntu sphere of things~.
> Of course, olde time Red Hat users expect to install exotic apps
> straight from the vendor. But, not all distros keep lib locations and
> versions the same. I'm running 13.04 and the nVidia driver, straight
> from nVidia, for the first time ever just refused to work. The same
> could easily happen with adobe. So, since Ubuntu is FAR more liberal
> that Red Hat, you can easily install flash and nVidia drivers straight
> from the repos, ~IF you enable them~, as was first pointed out. I used
> the package manager to install my nVidia driver and nary a burp in the
> barrel. I even have a repo that I use strictly for Java, which updates
> itself routinely. I can't ask for better.
> The only time I would go outside the sphere of Ubuntu packages is if the
> package clearly fails, or cannot be obtained any other way. Which is
> rarely.
Probably stupid question, but..... What repo?
I have assumed medibuntu as that contains the non-free software, If so
what is package name?
I ask because a friend of mine is having flash issues ATM & I dont want
to advise him to do it the way i have, (from adobe) if there is a better
/ safer way!

Thanks (sheepishly)

Pete S

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