Probably stupid question, but
Gene Heskett
gheskett at
Tue Aug 27 19:05:21 UTC 2013
On Tuesday 27 August 2013 14:53:42 Ric Moore did opine:
> On 08/27/2013 01:18 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Tuesday 27 August 2013 12:31:56 Liam Proven did opine:
> >> On 25 August 2013 18:51, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> >>> So how does one go about coaxing adobe to disgorge the correct .bin
> >>> containing the .deb?
> >>
> >> You don't.
> >
> > And then you have the nerve to upbraid me for building from a tarball
> > or installing the vendors .bin?
> Gene, Liam gave you good advice, ~within the Ubuntu sphere of things~.
> Of course, olde time Red Hat users expect to install exotic apps
> straight from the vendor. But, not all distros keep lib locations and
> versions the same. I'm running 13.04 and the nVidia driver, straight
> from nVidia, for the first time ever just refused to work. The same
> could easily happen with adobe. So, since Ubuntu is FAR more liberal
> that Red Hat, you can easily install flash and nVidia drivers straight
> from the repos, ~IF you enable them~, as was first pointed out. I used
> the package manager to install my nVidia driver and nary a burp in the
> barrel. I even have a repo that I use strictly for Java, which updates
> itself routinely. I can't ask for better.
> The only time I would go outside the sphere of Ubuntu packages is if the
> package clearly fails, or cannot be obtained any other way. Which is
> rarely.
Your IF is a very big hurdle for the newbie to jump. IMO there should be a
way to enable that link long enough to see what it has to offer, without
the newbie having to jump through flaming hoops to just look at it. Only
if there is something there that he needs, should he/she have to sudo to
install it.
This girl of about 55 is intelligent but computer illiterate, and I am
trying to put enough stuff on it that she can actually DO something once
she gets whatever level of networking running that is available at her
place 10 miles up Loveberry Road, which is several miles west of I-79 up
Copely Road. I suspect not much speed is available out there on that much
copper but we'll see. I may be spinning my wheels, but if I was afraid of
that, I shouldn't have offered to look at her machine in the first place.
Cheers, Gene
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