Probably stupid question, but
Liam Proven
lproven at
Tue Aug 27 17:32:44 UTC 2013
On 27 August 2013 18:18, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> Liam, old habits are hard to break.
Life means growth. When an organism stops growing, it dies.
Grow. Learn.
> But when I
> know the problem has been fixed by the vender
You do, do you? How? NB we are talking about Adobe Flash here, AIUI.
> but you, seemingly
> representing the distro
What? WHAT?
I am *nothing* to do with Ubuntu, Canonical, or any other Linux
company, vendor or anything else. I am here to offer free support in
my own time and of my own voluntary effort. Nobody is paying me
anything to do anything and I am not an employee of any company in any
> don't even relay our needs back up the chain of
> command
There isn't one. I work for myself. I have no boss.
Flash is in the repos. The package contains a script that downloads
the latest version from Adobe and installs it automatically for you.
That way, it gets updated when new versions comes out, automatically.
If you manually install it, this won't happen. You will be worse off.
Gene, you have a long habit of doing things in nonstandard ways, of
doing frankly rather foolish and misguided things with your systems,
then complaining when stuff doesn't work.
E.g. running some ancient, outdated realtime kernel on an elderly
version of the distro and then complaining when desktop stuff doesn't
work. If you need a RT kernel for CAD/CAM work, fine, run the RT
kernel on the CAD/CAM machine *BUT DON'T RUN DESKTOP APPS ON IT!*
Do the desktop/media stuff on a modern box with a modern release and
keep the machinery-control box running whatever specialised code it
needs /and nothing else./
You have been told this /repeatedly/ but you just tetchily object and complain.
Learn, already!
You are trying to go against the flow.
I am no spring chicken myself. I'm 45. I've been in this business over
a quarter of a century.
I am /more/ than old enough to have learned that trying to buck trends
and fight against the way things work is stupid, pointless and a waste
of time and effort.
You seem not to have learned this yet.
Well, learn it now. Learn from someone whose own beard is grey.
Flash is in the repos. Use that. Don't install your own; you will
break things and be worse off.
Nothing is perfect. Everything has flaws and wrinkles. Learn them,
learn how others work around them, and do the same. It makes life much
easier and less stressful.
Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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