Probably stupid question, but

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sat Aug 24 20:25:18 UTC 2013

Greetings folks;

New install of xubuntu 12.04 LTS on a P4 based Dell I just put 2 gis of ram 
in.  Sure, its going to be a bit slow, but the machine was a freebie and 
they don't have money for a new box.

First place I went with firefox after installing all the fresh updates to 
12.04, says it needs a newer flash player (not even installed of course, 
real informative error msg that) so I go over to adobe and get the latest 
apt package for 10.04 & newer.  But it comes in as a friggin .bin, and dpkg 
refuses to touch it.  So I go & get mc, which can usually unpack anything, 
but refuses to do anything with this .bin file.

So, what is the procedure to install 9.5.5 flash player now?


Cheers, Gene
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