"reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"

pete smout psmouty at live.com
Tue Aug 20 12:16:56 UTC 2013

On 20/08/13 12:23, compdoc wrote:
>> Are there any tools, e.g. Ubuntu rescue tool etc, can help to bring
> this harddrive to life?
> One valuable tool is the SMART info recording built into most hard
> drives. You can use the Disk Utility gui, or the smartctl command line
> program to read SMART.
> In the 'raw' data column, if there are any Reallocated Sector Counts,
> Current Pending Sector Counts, or Uncorrectable Sector Counts then the
> drive needs to be replaced.
> There may be other relevant counts too - for instance some drives record
> if the they have been subjected to hard shocks like being dropped, or
> high temperatures.

Although never a permanent fix I have found hirens boot cd [1] will
repair damaged sectors of a hdd (at least long enough to backup valuable
data), but be warned that when a hdd goes it is generally gone and no
fix will last for ever in my experience. Also worth noting the last time
I used it (about 3 versions ago) it had a non-destructive and a
destructive repair option if you need to recover data the
non-destructive option is the one you need.

Of course being a server you make regular backups of all important data
anyway right ;)



[1] http://www.hiren.info/

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