Is there a known Firefox https exploit

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sun Aug 18 21:19:54 UTC 2013

On 08/18/2013 03:21 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 18 August 2013 20:05, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>> Running Ubuntu 12.04 and Firefox 23 both recently updated.
>> Two things happened this morning to make me wonder if Firefox had been
>> compromised.
>> Logged into my bank and clicked the Checkfree link and got a message that
>> the page had temporarily moved and was presented with a link.  I called
>> Checkfree and told them and they asked me to read them the url and they said
>> it was correct. I logged on paid my bills and logged out.
>> I then logged on a mutual fund site and saw a message that the page had
>> moved.  I closed the tab, cleared Firefox cache and then shut down Firefox.
>> When I restarted it I could log on to both my bank, Checkfee and the mutual
>> fund site with no popups. I immediately changed the user name and passwords
>> on both sites.
>> The only thing I did lately that was not normal was I allowed the computer
>> to run all night and Firefox was open.  Normally I shut it down when I done
>> with it for the day.
> I had a similar situation (different websites).  I think (though not
> certain now) that it occurred after some updates with FF running.  I
> thought it might be something to do with something updated under the
> feet of FF so to speak.  I re-started FF and it has not occurred
> since.  I believe that the re-directs were valid re-directs and what
> was abnormal was that FF was warning me about it.
> Colin

Ric & Colin, thanks.  Makes me a little less concerned.  Come to think 
of it Ghostery did update itself yesterday when Firefox was open.

Regards, Jim

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