Is there a known Firefox https exploit

alfieri morillo alfierimorillo at
Sun Aug 18 20:19:41 UTC 2013

Regards ricardo!
Old man! Do not say things that look like madnesses! Look if you handle
well what they are called protocols tcp/ip you do the manipulation of what
you want and where you want! And you use scapy for the manipulation of
packages sides that using polymorphic algorithms with python can violate
ssh, wise that already the port 80 is vulnerable and that even if this one
in I use you can violate it? Where I want to come it is to that impossible
it is not!

I invite you to that you study a bit the model osci the caps of since estan
formed the connections and podras to know little mas on the topic like that
podras realize that it is not impossible! Where I want to come it is that
alone it is necessary to read the codes and study them, not answer this way
of this form!

2013/8/18 Ric Moore <wayward4now at>

> On 08/18/2013 03:05 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> Running Ubuntu 12.04 and Firefox 23 both recently updated.
>> Two things happened this morning to make me wonder if Firefox had been
>> compromised.
>> Logged into my bank and clicked the Checkfree link and got a message
>> that the page had temporarily moved and was presented with a link.  I
>> called Checkfree and told them and they asked me to read them the url
>> and they said it was correct. I logged on paid my bills and logged out.
>> I then logged on a mutual fund site and saw a message that the page had
>> moved.  I closed the tab, cleared Firefox cache and then shut down
>> Firefox.  When I restarted it I could log on to both my bank, Checkfee
>> and the mutual fund site with no popups. I immediately changed the user
>> name and passwords on both sites.
>> The only thing I did lately that was not normal was I allowed the
>> computer to run all night and Firefox was open.  Normally I shut it down
>> when I done with it for the day.
>> I googled for Firefox https exploits but the only thing I found was
>> references to the FBI supposedly using Firefox to get Tor users IP
>> addresses.
>> Does this seem like something I should be worried about or report to
>> Mozilla?  Or does it just sound like a glitch of some kind?
>> I just realized while composing this that Checkfree never mentioned the
>> temporary link, they just confirmed the url I read was correct.
> Network Solutions got panged on, so it might have been a temporary
> re-direct solution. It IS hard to imagine a bank having a re-direct though.
> El-Reg was like that for one night as well. :) Ric
> --
> My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
> "There are two Great Sins in the world...
> ..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
> Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
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