Cannot boot new base Ubuntu Server 13.04 installation on Mac Mini 6, 1

Porter Smith flipper88 at
Thu Aug 8 22:09:22 UTC 2013

On 08/08/2013 05:21 PM, Jason Heeris wrote:
> On 8 August 2013 23:31, Dave Woyciesjes <woyciesjes at> wrote:
>>>       I don't recall where I found the instructions, but I did get
>>> rEFIt-0.14.dmg installed on my iMac. Mine is set for dual boot; and I
>>> did get it to have Ubuntu as the default OS.
> I have a chicken-and-egg problem here though: I *don't* want to dual
> boot OSX, so I need a dedicated partition for rEFIt/rEFInd. I can't
> install rEFI* from the installation rescue mode because it doesn't
> have the HFS tools needed to do so, so I need to install rEF* from
> OSX. Thus I need to re-install OSX from recovery, but it won't
> re-install because it doesn't like the leading partition set aside for
> rEFI*.
> The only option I have here is to see if I can somehow get the HFS
> tools onto the base system I have installed so I can install rEFI*
> from there.
> — Jason
try  an sudo apt-get -y install hfsplus on you’re based install of 
Ubuntu server.



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