bottom posting with Gmail

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Apr 8 11:24:33 UTC 2013

On 8 April 2013 07:47, Gary Kirkpatrick <garyartista at> wrote:
> I do not own a home key.  So I am homeless.


You can of course just press "up" multiple times. Also, on laptops
without a dedicated "home" key, there is /always/ some key combination
for home, such as Fn+Cursor-left - so rather than Ctrl+Home, it would
be Ctrl+Fn+Left.

> I am less of a fan of gmail
> than I was.  They keep 'improving' it.

I agree. :¬( I would say about 75% or more of the tweaks to Gmail
since it came out of beta have degraded the product's usability.

>  Your solution seems way too
> complicated.  This should not be so difficult- maybe they need a bottom post
> option.

I agree with that, too.

> Thank you Liam!  Someone will find this useful.

I hope so. It is unavoidable cumbersome, but it does work.

> Oh, I have an ASUS 1025ce (i know, what a mistaka to makea cedarview-  ugh-
> but working ok on 13.04) that I got here in Spain - which means I have a
> Spanish keyboard and perhaps that is why I have no 'casa' key.

Ah, it's "inicio" (for "start" or "beginning") that you are looking for, then.

"Casa" isn't "home", it's "house" - in this context, "home" means
"beginning of the line", opposite of "end" ("fin" or something like
that, en Español).

Liam Proven • Profile:
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