alsamixer: lock levels

Phil Dobbin bukowskiscat at
Sun Apr 7 19:41:08 UTC 2013

Hi, all.

I'm hoping somebody's going to take pity on me here...

My three kids all have Ubuntu machines (2 off 12.04 & 1 off 12.10) &
boy, do they love You Tube. Which, in itself, is no big thing but, kids
being kids, the volume levels can get ear shattering when all three are
at it together.

Is there anyway I can ssh into each machine (ssh & ssh keys are already
set up) & lock alsamixer's output levels to say, 25%? Or, indeed, any
other way to tame the output levels. They're using You Tube in Firefox
if that's any help.

Any help appreciated.



currently (ab)using
CentOS 5.8 & 6.3, Debian Squeeze & Wheezy, Fedora Beefy & Spherical,
Lubuntu 12.10, OS X Snow Leopard & Ubuntu Precise & Quantal
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