
Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. eoconnor25 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 02:30:17 UTC 2012

On 09/25/2012 05:04 PM, ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> Send ubuntu-users mailing list submissions to
> 	ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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> 	https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>     1. Re: Is there any way I can get access to the rest of my
>        memory? (NoOp)
>     2. Re: about networks apps (Amaury Viera Hern?ndez)
>     3. Re: Unity! (James Freer)
>     4. Re: Unity! (Cybe R. Wizard)
>     5. Re: Unity! (James Freer)
>     6. Re: Quicktime stuff doesn't play (Thomas Kaiser)
>     7. Re: Quicktime stuff doesn't play (William Scott Lockwood III)
>     8. Re: Quicktime stuff doesn't play (William Scott Lockwood III)
>     9. Re: Quicktime stuff doesn't play (NoOp)

Well I myself have tried most of the desktops, 
of course Gnome (my favorite!....especially the latest version!) I can 
say that what I appreciate even MORE is the fact that NO two users are 
the same....and that's the biggest "draw" to Linux for a lot of people. 
My brother is JUST starting to get interested enough in Linux that he's 
asking about installing it.....if his 2003 laptop will be up to the task 
etc. Anyone care to advise as to what he should install? I personally 
don't think it can handle Unity and Ubuntu.....what's the lightest 
distro out there?....

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