LibreOffice with Unity buggy?

David Fletcher dave at
Sun Sep 23 10:38:04 UTC 2012

On Sun, 2012-09-23 at 06:10 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

> Simple, either you did not install your nVidia driver correctly or your 
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf file was hosed somehow during your upgrade. Myself, I 
> never "upgrade". Too many old crufty setup/conf files get left behind 
> and Ubuntu can be a real moving target between versions. Nope, if I have 
> a problem with my nVidia setup, which I have had in the past, it'll be 
> because something wasn't set right in xorg.conf, and setting it right 
> fixes it. Every time. Sorry you had a bad time. But, installing that AMD 
> chipset meant you got some fresh config files and that worked. Ric

Sorry Ric, the wrong word popped out. I upgraded, by doing a fresh
install onto a swapped hard drive.

I use one of two hard drives at a time with a caddy system. The one I am
now using did have Hardy on it until I wiped it to install 12.04. The
drive I was previously using is now sitting safely on the shelf still
with the Maverick install. I'm getting cautious these days.


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