unable to run video with hardware capabilities on pandaboard

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 18 12:33:37 UTC 2012

On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:44:54 +0530
"a.g.megharaj megharaj" <agmegharaj at gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks for your quick reply.
> do you think sgx support is in working condition on ubuntu official
> image for pandaboard (omap 4) ?
> if so then please point me to ubuntu official release source code
> repo.
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP has links to the official images, for
the most minimal install possible you should probably take the
netinstall images (they are also the only ones where you can install
your rootfs to USB disk which is what you want when wanting stutter
free video streaming). ubuntu has the sgx drivers in the archive (just
install the pvr-omap4 package) and in quantal they are even in installed
the image by default (since unity requires them to run).

you problem with precise will be that TI did not release the codecs for
the kernel version used in this release. they provide codec packages in
the TI ppa together with a replacement kernel though but this requires
that the image you use as a base has the proper default setup from
ubuntu for bootloader config etc ... so whatever you do, you should
start with a proper ubuntu image as a base. 

there are also linaro images and packages for xbmc that are optimized
for panda (talk to the linaro guys in #linaro on freenode or on one of
their mailing lists) that are properly built from the ubuntu archive
using the right defaults.

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