NFS Mount question - What are the required options in /etc/fstb?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Tue Sep 18 04:23:40 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 18 September 2012 00:05:37 Basil Chupin did opine:

> On 18/09/12 03:08, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Monday 17 September 2012 12:39:53 Basil Chupin did opine:
> [................]
> >> get rid of the rubbish mail client YOU are using and
> >> use something intelligent like Thunderbird (and not Kmail which you
> >> normally use but NOT for the above post) :-) .
> > 
> > Ahh, but it was kmail, Basil.  I have added a line in the rc that
> > prevents kmail from identifying itself, a security measure.  I got
> > the idea from a t-bird related post describing how to do that to
> > t-bird in the first place.
> Security? What sort of security from merely supressing the name of the
> mailer?

By isolating the attacker from that info, you make him try the whole menu 
instead of handing him a zero day on a silver platter.
> > I will consider switching to T-Bird if and when I can make a maildir
> > folder with 2 clicks on a pulldown and typing its name into the box. 
> > The last time I looked at it, 6 months back, there still was no
> > obvious method to create a new email folder so I could sort a newly
> > joined email list's msgs into their own folder.
> Ce`?
> Right-click on INBOX, left-click on NewFolder, type in name - and you're
> done.
> Been like this for YEARS and not just since the last 6 months.
So find it in the help docs Basil.  I have looked, diligently, the subject 
isn't even there, let alone the procedure.  I tried to make tbird work my 
way on my lappy for several months combined when I was last on the road 
playing CE at 2 different tv station facilities.  I wound up just letting 
it put everything in the inbox because I could NOT find a way to change it.

IIRC, the INBOX was mailfile, not maildir.  But thats a faint memory now as 
I long ago converted all of my kmail folders to maildir.

> > I did, on my lappy, figure out how to import the kmail email corpus to
> > tbird about 3 years ago, but it was hours for only 3 months worth of
> > emails collected on the road, but to import the email corpus that
> > spans 10 years & several gigabytes as it exists here, is probably not
> > practical.
> That's different. Importing mail from kmail into TB is quite an
> adventure from what I have read. The problem here is that each uses a
> different method of storing messages. As yet, as far as I know, nobody
> has written a workable conversion program and so one has to take a
> "scenic tour" to transfer messges from kmail to TB.
> >> There is nothing wrong with the formatting of the post by Clinton:
> >> all quite properly formatted and clearly legible.
> > 
> > I have to enable html rendering here, which I can do on a per message
> > basis. kmail handles the detection well, provided it is properly
> > mimetyped. I went back, looked at the msg structure, clicked on the
> > html portion, then enabled html rendering and it looks ok, but the
> > plain text I was presented was the illegible bit I reposted.
> > 
> > kmail tries to follow the RFC's for this stuff so it can autodetect.
> > 
> > Failures are once, maybe twice a year.  That is why it was so
> > startling that I objected., when stripping the html markups
> > to make the plain text version, has a broken stripper.  It should
> > substitute a real line feed or 2 when the original poster formats it
> > as paragraphs in html.  It did not.  Nary a linefeed in the lot.
> See my reply to PleetWat. My TB displayed that post perfectly.

Yes it did, and it apparently selected the html version of the message for 
the display.  That message was a hair over 8k total, each section about 4k, 
duplicated, very poorly in plain text in one mime boundary, and in quite 
good html inside another mime boundary.

Fire up kmail, select the message, and hit 'v' to see it in all its raw, 
screwed up glory.  Tbird may have a similar magic keystroke but I am not 
that familiar with it.  For that, I'll let the TBird experts demo if it 

> BC

Cheers, Gene
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