NFS Mount question - What are the required options in /etc/fstb?

Tom H tomh0665 at
Mon Sep 17 16:23:21 UTC 2012

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:12 PM, PleegWat <pleegwat at> wrote:
> On 09/17/2012 05:43 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 18/09/12 01:04, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Do us all a favor and get rid of the webmailer.
>>> It is throwing away any and all punctuation you may have had on
>>> screen when you hit send.  The result on our screens is the
>>> unintelligible gibberish above that only the most determined will
>>> try to wade through.
>> get rid of the rubbish mail client YOU are using and
>> use something intelligent like Thunderbird (and not Kmail which you
>> normally use but NOT for the above post) :-) .
>> There is nothing wrong with the formatting of the post by Clinton:
>> all quite properly formatted and clearly legible.
> Nope, I get the exact same thing in thunderbird. The HTML version may
> be fine but the text version is a mess.

Exactly. Take a look at the archive:

Text version:

HTML version:

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