problems with 10.04 upgrade to 12.04 (procps)

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Sep 9 11:45:08 UTC 2012

On 9 September 2012 12:32, Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:
> hi,
> On Sun, 9 Sep 2012 13:06:23 +0200
> Liviu Andronic <landronimirc at> wrote:
>> Now, from all the ordeal that I've been through, is there anything
>> worth reporting on Launchpad?
> yes, update-manager should have told you about the lack of diskspace
> (unless you filled the disk yourself *while* the upgrade was already
> running, it wouldnt be able to detect that indeed)
> and it should have disabled the handbrake PPA before the upgrade ...

I have always considered it a good idea to not only disable any ppas
before upgrading, but to achieve this by using ppa-purge so that
packages are restored back to the normal ubuntu versions.  Whether
this reduces the probability of failure during the upgrade I don't


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