problems with 10.04 upgrade to 12.04

Dave Howorth dhoworth at
Thu Sep 6 12:26:06 UTC 2012

Ric Moore wrote:
> On 09/06/2012 06:52 AM, Roger wrote:
>> The pre release upgrade failed for me on 3 machines and I tried many
>> times.
>> I had to manage the sources.list manually
> It might be far simpler to just back up personal files, while you still
> can, and just install the thing clean. All of the cruft will be gone.
> Me, I keep all of my personal files on another partition, with things
> like Documents, Desktop, Music, Videos, Pictures in my home directory
> linked to that partition and it's corresponding directories.
> Then at new release time, I install fresh, leaving that partition alone.
> I don't backup the /home directory as I don't even want old config files
> to remain. Nary one problem. It's a thought and just my 2 cents. Ric

Please, Roger, and everybody discussing Roger's problems, would you
please take them to a separate thread. For the same reasons as Liviu.
Thanks, Liviu, BTW.

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