Hard disk keeps turning off or disconnecting?

Gilles Gravier ggravier at fsfe.org
Thu Sep 6 08:45:16 UTC 2012

As a followup (my disk still hasn't had a "falling asleep" issue anymore
- 5 minutes definitely does it).

I contacted WD support asking them about this...

They were VERY clear (saying it twice in the support e-mail) : "these
products are NOT supported on Linux"....

OK. Next time, Linux users, just buy a different brand. :)

Thanks, WD. Bye.


On 25/08/2012 09:28, Gilles Gravier wrote:
> Hi!
> On 13/08/2012 15:53, R Kimber wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Aug 2012 23:11:56 +0100
>> Steve Flynn wrote:
>>> Q&D fix whilst you find out how to adjust the sleep parameters... just
>>> touch a file on the root partition every 10 minutes or so, via cron.
>> That's what I have to do with my Samsung Story.  Though for me 10 mins
>> would be too long.  You need to work out how quickly it goes to sleep.
> So far, with a touch every 5 minutes, it seems to work nicely!
> Cheers,
> Gilles.

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