New subject, clicking .png's gets wine/Outlook

H. Gökhan Sarı th0th at
Mon Sep 3 15:05:05 UTC 2012

Hi Gene,

Looks like wine messed your default browser. I am not currently using KDE,
but someone in OpenSuse forums* says you can change default browser

Kmenu > Configure Desktop > Advanced > File Assoc > Text > HTML.

>From there just adjust the Application Preference Order

Another suggestion in same thread* is:

Try going to Desktop Settings/Personalised Settings -> Default Applications
> -> Web Browser -> Change to 'in the following broswer' -> browse for
> firefox

If these don't work, you can also try saving a HTML in a folder, right
clicking it to get in file's properties, and changing default application
that will handle that kind of file.


On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:

> Greetings folks;
> For 2 or 3 weeks now, whenever I click on a link, or attachment in kmail
> that ends in a .png, instead of calling firefox to display it, its calling
> wine/OutlookExploder, which if course has no clue how to handle the
> mimetype so I don't get to see it at all.
> Is there another piece of kde I need to install in order to get a mimetype
> editor?, I do not presently seem to have one.
> Cheers, Gene
H.Gökhan Sarı
th0th at
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