Burning a DVD

Ernest Doub hideserted at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 03:08:54 UTC 2012

You have to either compress the files that make the ISO so it will fit on a
single DVD or eliminate whatever you can to trim it down to 4.7 GB.
Either that or burn it on 2 DVD or do a dual layer burn.
Since you are asking the question I assume you don't have a dual layer
burner available.

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Bill Stanley <bstanle at wowway.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a 5.1 GB .iso file that has to be burned to a DVD.  The problem is
> that the maximum capacity of a DVD-R is 4.7 GB.  I don't think it is
> possible to burn this .iso file to a single DVD.  Does anybody know a way
> to do it?
> Bill Stanley
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murky spring and a polluted well’ (Proverbs 25:26)"

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after rewards. They do not defend the *orphan, *nor does the widow’s plea
come before them” (Isaiah 1:22–23).

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