Preventing ”secret” files from popping up

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Sun Oct 28 09:25:53 UTC 2012

Let's say that I'm the only one who use my computer, and my file
collection is a mix of things. Some of the files are ”secret” in some
kind of way, could be any reason, of course. Maybe some kind of files
for work, maybe just too private files, whatever.

So I hit the magic key combination (in my case Super+space, I think
default is Super only) to search for files. Before I enter anything, a
couple of my last viewed files appear. Some of them may be files that
I don't want someone who's looking at the screen should see.

Can I prevent certain files from appearing there, at least as long as
I am not searching for them specifically? Or can I prevent files
inside a certain folder to appear?
Or do I just need to create a separate user for those files?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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