(Problem solved) Re: problems with flash (youTube) videos and VLC can't read DVDs

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 22:10:39 UTC 2012

On 10/25/2012 10:46 AM, Bill Stanley wrote:
> On 10/24/2012 09:53 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On 10/24/2012 05:56 PM, James Freer wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Bill Stanley <bstanle at wowway.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 10/24/2012 02:51 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>>>> On 10/24/2012 09:55 AM, Bill Stanley wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have recently installed Xubuntu 12.04 and am having some video
>>>>>> problems. The two problems are probably unrelated.
>>>>>> The first issue is the videos appearing on YouTube. While I can view
>>>>>> the videos, everything has a bluish color. I read that this might
>>>>>> be a
>>>>>> problem with the Flash plugin. Is there any solution to this problem?
>>>>> Try it with flash off. Many of the newer youtube videos are also
>>>>> available in WebM format, which by default is enabled in Firefox.
>>>>> Sample url:
>>>>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeXMxuNNlE8&feature=g-logo-xit>
>>>>> Note: no preference, I just picked one from the youtube page.
>>>> Disabling the Flash plugin doesn't help. The video link you provided
>>>> requires Flash so it wouldn't display at all. With Flash enabled, I
>>>> see the
>>>> video but everything is still blue.
>>>>>> The second problem involves VLC not being able to read (decrypt)
>>>>>> DVD's.
>>>>>> I looked on VLCs website and they say that libdvdcss is needed. I
>>>>>> went ti the Ubuntu software repository and several packages say they
>>>>>> install it. I tried them and libdvdcss was not installed. I used a
>>>>>> file search utility and it could not find it anywhere on the
>>>>>> system. I
>>>>>> need to properly install this. What must I do?
>> Right click in the video that is bluish. Click on preferences and turn
>> off (uncheck) video acceleration. Works every time. Piece O Cake. Ric
> I found that setting and turned off hardware acceleration.  That fixed
> the problem.  However, since both Firefox and the Chrome browser showed
> the same problem, it seems that there is a problem with hardware
> acceleration.  Probably it is Nvidia's fault and since they are the only
> ones that can fix it, I will file a bug report with them.

I would think that the problem lies with Adobe and their attitude 
towards Linux in general. At least nVidia hasn't publicly abandoned us. Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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