Unix copy method not working for gnome terminal

J dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 16:40:56 UTC 2012

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 12:20 PM, oxy <oxyopes at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>- highlight to copy, middle-click to paste
>>- highlight then edit->copy (or right-click->copy) then ctrl-shift-ins
>  > or edit->paste or right-click->paste.
>>Which one doesn't work, are there any circumstances under which it
>>does work?
> highlight to copy doesnt work!
> I open a file with vi, highlight-copy, open a 2nd term and middle-click.
> A wrong text comes from an old memory.
> I leave vi and `cat filename` and highlight-copy the same content and
> press middle-click on the 2nd term, it works.
> Sth seems to make no sense here. For some reason vi is hindering copy.

Then you need to be far more specific.  What version of Ubuntu? What
version of vi?  what version of gnome terminal?

what exactly are you doing? what are you trying to paste into?

As we've said, it works fine, see here (I just made this for you)

What are you doing differently, or what are you using that is different?

FWIW, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with current updates.

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