How to stop apt-get from installing OpenJDK?
Pastor JW
rev.olson at
Tue Oct 23 04:35:48 UTC 2012
On 10/22/2012 04:14 PM, Dick Dowdell wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 6:52 PM, jeremy p
> <athomewithagroovebox at <mailto:athomewithagroovebox at>>
> wrote:
> So, any advice for installing Oracle Java 1.7.0_03 in a way that is
> friendly to apt-get? It has been mandated that I absolutely must
> use that build.
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Rashkae <ubuntu at
> <mailto:ubuntu at>> wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 06:21 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 05:46 PM, jeremy p wrote:
> Note: non of this is tested by me, so I'm just replying 'in
> theory.'
> Probably best to ignore everything I wrote below that. I had
> reading failure and thought you were trying to install Java 6,
> rather than 7.
> jeremy,
> I found this link very useful. I need to use Java 7 as well.
> This doesn't use apt-get but works perfectly and does not conflict with
> it. You do still need to be wary of other apt-get package installations
> that will try to install OpenJDK, so it might be a good idea to save a
> file of the update-alternatives statements you used. I believe that
> update-java-alternatives is specifically designed to assist in this
> process, but I've never used it, myself.
It is a pain to keep having to install java that works and it seems to
be getting worse with each LTS version. Several things we use need a
java that works which openjdk absolutely will not. Now every Ubuntu how
to is messed up too like trying to force us to use a non working
program. Why is that? My machines today just all updated to Oracle
Java 1.8 but it was a three day pain to get there in the first place. I
used the instuctions here
just today to get a lawyers office computers to have a proper java.
The site may not be there tomorrow given how somebody keeps trying to
hide this from Kubuntu users. He can now properly access his brokerage
account and Geni works.
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