Need drastic surgery on Firefox Bookmarks -- SOLVED

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Mon Oct 22 01:01:16 UTC 2012

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Steve Flynn <anothermindbomb at> wrote:
> On 20 October 2012 23:17, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at> wrote:
>> Huh?  I've been using Xmarks since it was Foxmarks.  It doesn't de-dupe at all.
> How very odd - mine does. I simply log into the Xmarks website, select
> tools and then click on "Xmarks Bookmark Duplicate Remover".
>> I also don't see how to get it to export as HTML, at least not in a
>> way that allows editing and reloading.  I can go to MyXmarks, but if
>> anything it's slower and more painful than using Firfox directly.
> MyXmarks,com. Select Tools, yet again. "Export Bookmakrs to HTML"
> Downloads an HTML file to you machine. Fire up vim, edit until you're
> flaccid, save the file, delete all of your current bookmarks in your
> browser of choice and then import your HTML file.
>> What am I missing?
> Xmarks Premium maybe, but I'm guessing the "tools" are available to
> all Xmarks users - it's not like they are groundbreaking.

Thanks.  I never knew that stuff was there.  After some false starts,
during which I had cause to be *very* glad that Xmarks keeps
meticulous momentary backups, I found it best to use this workflow:
1. Firefox bookmarks->show all bookmarks for the editing, re-filing,
sorting and collecting.
2. Xmarks setup to force the edited version to the server.
3. My Xmarks to use the deduplication and empty folder removal
4. Xmarks setup to force the de-duped version onto my 'puter.

I'm now down to around 6,000 bookmarks and de-duping is by no means
finished.  Since i started with about 32,000 (yes, it was a horrible
mess) I consider this pretty good.

I will try to be careful to not mess this up from any of the other
machines and browsers that share the same Xmarks account.

Kevin O'Gorman

programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine into software.

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