how to define partition section in a kickstart file

john Sanabria john.sanabria at
Sun Oct 21 04:24:15 UTC 2012


I'm playing with unattended server installations but the hard disk
partitioning stage remains interactive. What lines I should write in the
kickstart file in order to have a full non-interactive server installation.

I assume that the trick must be done with autopart and partition commands
but it does not work

clearpart --drives=hda --all --initlabel
#partition swap --recommended --onpart=hda5
#partition / --fstype ext4 --grow --onpart=hda1

When I comment out lines from autopart and afterward, an error message

"No root filesystem"
"No root filesystem is defined"

Thanks so much for your advice.

John Sanabria - Profesor de la EISC
Universidad del Valle
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