Problem with jython installer

Tom Rausner tom at
Sat Oct 20 06:08:46 UTC 2012

Just a little poke; Mac's OS is in fact a kind of Linux... It is build on a
Linux kernel, with a totally other set of surrounding tools....
On Oct 20, 2012 6:01 AM, "Doug" <dmcgarrett at> wrote:

> On 10/19/2012 09:23 PM, Dick Dowdell wrote:
>> Apparently, I'm going to have to spend tomorrow reconstructing my Oracle
>> Java 7 environment.  I'm a software developer and have a need to
>> re-familiarize myself with Python.  I'm running 12.04 LTS and Oracle Java 7
>> (at least until today).  I made the mistake of installing the Ubuntu Jython
>> package which merrily installed OpenJDK 6 and updated all the Java
>> alternatives to point to it.
>> My question is: "What kind of amateur would write an install script that
>> overwrites a Java installation, with a less advanced version, without even
>> requesting user confirmation?"  Yes, I know the Java 7 files are still
>> there.  I'm still going to have to spend too much time setting everything
>> back to Java 7 so I can continue to earn my living.  Way too Mickey Mouse!
>> Does anyone have any better solutions?
>> Thanks,
>> Dick Dowdell
>>  No better solution, per se, but you should probably take into account
> that Ubuntu is (apparently) aiming to be Linux's answer to Apple or
> to some extent Microsoft: take away all opportunity for the user to select
> what *he* wants, and Nanny him all the way.
> It is an interesting situation--on the one hand, Ubuntu has the best
> documentation I have seen for any Linux distro, but on the other
> hand, they really want to be the Apple of the Linux world.  Strange!
> --Just my 2ยข--doug
> --
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