about spams

Avi Greenbury lists at avi.co
Wed Oct 17 13:19:11 UTC 2012

Amaury Viera Hernández wrote:
> Yes, the email server is escuela.espnl.co.cu,
> How I can get out of this black list(http://www.apews.org/)?

Generally, by stopping your server sending so much spam. Are you the
administrator for the server, how many users do you have on it? 

- Code injected into websites on that server. This is far and away the
  most common
- Misuse of a 'send this to a friend' page - these, generally, are
  smarter than they used to be and so less succeptible to that.
- Someone having obtained the username and password of an account
  permitted to send mail (perhaps through a dictionary attack or
  compromising a PC) and using that to send bulk mail.

Which ones is most likely, and how to combat it, depends to a large
degree on what your server is doing. Are there a large number of mail
users on this mailserver? Does it also host websites? Do you have
anything to prevent dictionary attacks? Are you able to easily extract
a list of users ordered by the amount of outgoing mail sent?


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