Connecting with Vodafone DSL router

G. pegngaryubuntu at
Wed Oct 17 09:08:35 UTC 2012

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 9:21 AM, সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদার
<toshazed at> wrote:
> Dear Garyk
>> Ring, would the changes you make effect future users?
> The changes will be effective after the successful reboot of the router at
> the end of the configuration. In my case that did so.
>> Afterwards will I need to mount the dongle in my computer or leave it
>> docked in the router?
> You must leave your modem/dongle/data card docked with the router to use
> internet services though the router.
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Another question: would the changes affect the other computers using
the router?  We also have a windows user.



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