samba question moving to LTS 12.04

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Oct 16 21:19:15 UTC 2012

On 16 October 2012 22:00, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> On 16 October 2012 21:53, Linda <haniganwork at> wrote:
>> Just an additional note on migrating to LTS 12.04 and a newer version of
>> samba
>> I decided to install the graphical samba configuration tool and let it
>> create a samba configuration file to see what happened. When it was done I
>> ran testparm on it and got the same error message  ERROR: You must specify
>> both machine name and an IP address
>>  Just to see what happened I started samba with both the newly created
>> smb.conf and the old version, both seem to work fine. However I would rather
>> not generate an error when I run testparm on the file. Any idea what I
>> should add to get rid of the message?
> How are you running testparm, is it just
> testparm /usr/share/samba/smb.conf
> or are you providing options also?

I asked because:
$ testparm /usr/share/samba/smb.conf something_that_should_not_be_there
ERROR: You must specify both a machine name and an IP address.

man testparm will explain why.


> Colin

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