permissions, probably

rikona rikona at
Sun Oct 14 20:28:04 UTC 2012

I am trying to transfer/backup some dirs with large files from an XT
box to a 10.04 box. The files are copied from XT to a USB flash drive
formatted NTFS so it can do large files. Then copied from the USB to a
10.04 dir. It seems to copy them but they don't show up in konq or
nautilus. They are there in a root terminal and are drwxr-xr-x. I
tried chmod ugo+rwx, but it doesn't seem to change the perms.

I opened a root konq and gave the 10.04 dir [in which the files are
copied to] drwxrwxrwx perms for the dir and contents. This seems to
have been successful as seen in the root terminal, but still nothing
in konq/nautilus[tried reload too].

I tried changing the dir perms on the XT box giving 'everyone' full
control, but that does not seem to help. User names are different on
the two boxes. I'd prefer to do the changes on the 10.04 box and not
have 'everyone' for those dirs on the XT box.

What am I missing? How can I change the perms so it will be seen in
konq/nautilus, and thus be useful on the 10.04 box?


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