LSI 9240-8i

J dreadpiratejeff at
Thu Oct 11 19:44:16 UTC 2012

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Alan McKay <alan.mckay at> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 3:25 PM, James Devine <fxmulder at> wrote:
>> I verified the 9240 works fine through vmware and ubuntu running on top of
>> that, same as the other machine
> Did you ever resolve this?  Sorry to bump an old thread but I'm
> looking at an older LSI card with Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and just
> searching the list before I post about it
> I'm curious about the VMWare layer in between as well.  Are there any
> limitations on that which make you not want to go that way?  Is there
> a max disk size it can present to Linux or something?

If he's describing what I think he is, he's running VMWare ESX or
whatever their stand-alone is called now, and running Ubuntu as a
guest in a VM.  Makes sense that would work, as the guest isn't
exposed directly to the hardware and sees less troublesome fake
hardware devices.

Personally, VMWare's not a bad way to provide virtualized serves on
bare metal, but IMO, the benefit to that whole thing is using things
like vSphere with the real time load management, provisioning and all
that you get from using/paying for VMWare infrastructure and tools.

As a stand-alone, there's not much difference, realistically, between
a VM running on VMWare and one on XenServer and one on QEMU or KVM.
At least not that I've ever noticed.  But caveat that with it's been a
while since I last really went deep into those various things on
servers, so my opinions are slightly dated and subject to change.

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