how not to Ubuntu?

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Oct 11 17:31:53 UTC 2012

On 11 October 2012 18:29, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at> wrote:
> I've seen some hype coming through here about "how to Ubuntu".  It
> calls it an event, as if one should attend, but I could not figure out
> what that really means, so I guess I did not attend.
> I looked at the site though, and I'm not sure any of that applies to
> me now that I'm running xfce4.  Entirely KDE-less, and I think only
> minimally gnomeified by some support libraries.  Anyway, I see mostly
> blues, not the ubuntu browns.  So I'm a bit leery of follwing those
> directions.
> Any wisdom out there?

No idea what you mean. I've not seen any mention of this. Is it a
document, a web site, an event, or what? Can you provide some links or
other context?

Liam Proven • Profile:
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