can't run gnome as root - addition - SOLVED

Lentes, Bernd bernd.lentes at
Tue Oct 2 16:40:01 UTC 2012

Jared wrote:

> >
> > why do i have to adapt the OS ? I think the OS should adapt
> to the needs and wishes of the user as far as possible.
> It can, it's only limited by what you tell it to do. You are free to
> change any/all of the default options provided by the distribution.
> They are only that, defaults.
> > I KNOW that it is not the recommended way to login to X as
> root, but i did it often and never got any problems.
> Their defaults are apparently set up differently.
> > It's my box, and if i'm making an error, it's my problem.
> Correct, that is the luxury of linux.
> > The only error i did happened on a terminal, not in a GUI.
> > I'm not used to sudo and all ist friends, and i don't like
> to use it.
> Again, this is the default way Ubuntu is set up, feel free to change
> at your whim.
> *Snip*
> Now, from the brief research I have conducted it is apparently quite
> easy to achieve what you're trying to achieve. I would suggest trying
> the second hit on google [0] and letting us know if there are any
> issues you encounter.
> [0]
> -04-precise-pangolin/

thanks, that's it. I found that before while i was googleing, but didn't used it because i didn't use lightdm.
After some hours of searching in the net i decided to install the package ubuntu-desktop, which included lightdm.
I included that line in /etc/lightdm/lighdm.conf, and now it's working fine.



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