Network Problems with Linux-Bridges after update

Paul Scheller pschelle at
Mon Oct 1 09:54:18 UTC 2012

Am 28.09.2012 15:48, schrieb compdoc:
> > do you know if the sysctl setting gets available before the bridges 
> get configured because my bridges get their IP via dhcp
> Do you know that bridges do not require an IP address? I don't waste 
> an address on them.
yep I know that they in general do not require an IP address. But in 
this case they do need one because they are the Hosts only network 
devices with access to a real network and the host should also be 
visible to the rest of network.
Actually I have 2 Bridges installed, one for each of my 2 available 
physical devices. This allows me to give my _virtual_Machines direct (no 
NAT) access to a Storage Network (nfs) and a separated communication 
Network (mainly ssh and Gridengine-daemons). This 2 Networks are also 
needed on the physical Hosts (for ssh and nfs). And as far as I know the 
bridged Ports are not allowed to be configured, apart from the 
configuration done by the bridge.
Each bridge connects to only one physical device and a number of virtual 
ones. This type of configuration is described in the respective guides 
for KVM/libvirt networking[1].

Regards Paul
[1]e.g. other guides

An example ´brctl show'
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled interfaces
br0             8000.XXXXXXXXXXXX       yes             eth0
br1             8000.XXXXXXXXXXXXyes             eth1
virbr0          8000.000000000000       yes
ethX physical Ports(do not have IPs)
vnetX Ports for virtual machine (one for each bridge and machine)
virbr0 automatically created by libvirt and not used
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