Unity: some of my windows are occasionally going all white and refresh takes many mousovers

Peter Teuben teuben at astro.umd.edu
Tue Nov 27 00:39:02 UTC 2012

small update on my own problem, it's gotten worse. I've had it probably
once an hour
now. if you have 10 windows partially open and overlapping, this is
seriously handicapped.

On 11/24/2012 12:56 PM, Peter Teuben wrote:
> One of the recent (last month or so) updates is regressing my windowing
> experience terribly.
> A few times per day a window plus borders goes totally white, you mouse
> over the next window,
> and it seems to inherit that blank, you mouse back, and sometimes it
> picks this back up to normal
> again.  But sometimes other windows get this infection as well, and it
> can take me many mouseovers
> to get back to work. This lovely experience can easily take 5 to 10
> seconds. Not a good thing to happen
> when you have to show off some work.
> Anybody seen this before?  
> FWIW, this is on a Thinkpad T61p, which has given me issues before (in
> older Ubuntu) w.r.t windowing
> and menus, something I've never seen on other linux'.  I should add I
> have a near identical Ubuntu 12.04LTS
> on a a desktop that doesn't show this behavior. So perhaps it's special
> to the Thinkpad X driver.
> peter

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