Squid https transparent proxy

Eero Volotinen eero.volotinen at iki.fi
Mon Nov 26 20:10:34 UTC 2012

2012/11/26 Eric Vanderveer <evanderv at gmail.com>:
> Hi guys,
> I have a client that had squid and dansguardian working just fine but one
> day they had issues so they rebooted the server and it lost all the iptables
> config( must not have had the option to save).  Anyway now I have them setup
> to work with http traffic but https is not working at all.  I have squid 2.7
> and prerouting 443 does not work.  How would I go about setting ip tables to
> bypass 443 traffic.  The server is setup with one nic.  I am having no luck
> finding a correct iptable rule.

take a look of this url:


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