Unscheduled unattended boot

Phil Dobbin bukowskiscat at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 22:59:34 UTC 2012

On 11/24/2012 09:11 PM, Colin Law wrote:

> On 24 November 2012 12:28, Phil Dobbin <bukowskiscat at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I upgraded my youngest son's HP desktop machine to Quantal & now, for
>> some unknown reason, it boots up at 06:30 every morning (I found out the
>> time of the boot after hearing its start-up password prompt when walking
>> past his bedroom door).
>> It happens every morning & I had been blaming him for it (I've got the
>> whole home LAN monitored by Nagios & all machines except mine are
>> powered off by via cron at 22:00 each night so I see its upstate from
>> Nagios every morning) but one this particular morning when I heard it
>> boot, he was fast asleep.
> Of course you could just disconnect the power and save the cost of
> leaving it on standby overnight :)

Easier said than done with a nine year old boy, Colin :-)

I've even resorted to disconnecting the power cable in the past but he
just finds one elsewhere. He's determined to crack his password. Good
luck with that one...



currently (ab)using
CentOS 5.8 & 6.3, Debian Squeeze & Wheezy, Fedora Beefy, OS X Snow
Leopard & Ubuntu Precise & Quantal

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