2 pane, swiss army knife file manager?

Graham Watkins shellycat.gw at ntlworld.com
Fri Nov 23 13:25:33 UTC 2012

On 19/11/12 18:54, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I just spent an hour scanning for 2 pane file managers in the synaptic ALL
> listing without finding anything but mc.
> So, what are we supposed to use today?
> Thanks folks.
> Cheers, Gene
Perhaps I'm missing something crucial here but there is an option in 
nautilus: view>extra pane which will give you what (I think) you want.  
It can also be called up with F3.

I don't need it a lot but it does the trick when I do.

I used to like Midnight Commander but it's been years since I've used 
it.  Guess I'm spoiled with GUIs these days.



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