Non-PAE kernel in 12.10

Liam Proven lproven at
Fri Nov 23 11:48:39 UTC 2012

On 23 November 2012 11:43, volker <v.kempter at> wrote:
> the following procedure appears to be simple: upgrade lubuntu 12.04 ->12.10
> whereby you use "apt pinning" for all packages related with the kernel
> (image, headers, meta package), e.g. you stick with the 3.2 non-PAE kernel.
> Once the upgrade to 12.10 has finished, remove "apt pinning" and install the
> non-PAE 3.5 kernel from the mentioned PPA.

I think you misunderstand.

There *is no* PPA. I was discussing /creating/ a PPA.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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