Will Ubuntu 12.04 get Firefox v17?

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Nov 22 00:35:46 UTC 2012

On 22/11/12 02:02, andrew clarke wrote:
> On Wed 2012-11-21 09:36:09 UTC-0500, Dave Woyciesjes (woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net) wrote:
>> Will Ubuntu 12.04 get Firefox v17?
>> Any ideas? Searching turns up nothing either way.
> For Ubuntu 10.04, Firefox 16.0.2 is available from the regular
> lucid-security repository, so based on that I'm sure Ubuntu 10.04 and
> newer will see a Firefox 17 package when Ubuntu makes it available.
> In the meantime you could download Firefox 17 for Linux from the
> Mozilla web site and install it into /opt.

Or you could download version 20.01a and use that (as I am, and have 
been doing with the Nightlies for eons).


Using openSUSE 12.2 x86_64 KDE 4.9.3 & kernel 3.6.6-1 on a system with-
AMD FX 8-core 3.6/4.2GHz processor
16GB PC14900/1866MHz Quad Channel Corsair "Vengeance" RAM
Gigabyte AMD3+ m/board; Gigabyte nVidia GTX550Ti 1GB DDR5 GPU

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