dhcpd trouble shooting utilities

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Nov 20 17:02:27 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 20 November 2012 12:00:32 Colin Law did opine:

> On 19 November 2012 18:36, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
> > Greetings;
> > 
> > I gave the missus a Nook Color a year ago for Christmas, set it up to
> > access my AP here in the house & even bought a book at the time.
> > 
> > But then, since she uses the crossword generator in it more than
> > anything else, I disabled the radio to save on the battery life,
> > which w/o the radio can be a couple weeks.
> > 
> > But, I turned the radio back on, and while the nookcolor does appear
> > to negotiate the WPA2-PSK password stored just fine, but then reports
> > that dhcp is running forever.
> > 
> > So my question is, do we have any tools to analyze the dhcpd traffic
> > and show me whats wrong?  AFAIK its working for my lappy, but it,
> > from where it normally lives in the shop, would be coming in thru
> > another wirelass AP in the shop, so its requests for dhcp service
> > would actually be coming into what I think is the only active server
> > here via the routers WAN port, not the radio.
> > 
> > There is so much to know about this its easy to lose track of the tree
> > in all this forest of networking stuffs.  I suspect that somehow, in
> > attempting to improve the caching of dns lookups on this, the main
> > machine, and have somehow managed to have it issuing a dhcpd response
> > that clashes with the intended server in this router/AP.
> I have had situations where messages displayed made it look as if it
> was failing at the dhcp stage but actually it was not getting a good
> connection in the first place.  Try configuring it with a fixed ip
> address.  That will confirm (or otherwise) that it is dhcp that is
> failing.
> Colin
Can a nook color do that?  I haven't noted anything in its menu's that 
might lead to that ability.

Thanks Colin.

Cheers, Gene
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