Where to, LibreOffice?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 13 01:46:16 UTC 2012

On 11/10/2012 03:55 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> After a long time away, I find myself coming back to a word processor.  I'm
> about to write for publication, and they prefer a word-compatible format.
> I used to use OpenOffice a bit, and don't remember having any trouble with
> it.  Now the repos seem to only have LibreOffice -- the things named after
> OpenOffice seem to be all transitional packages, not really OpenOffice at
> all.
> I've been at this a day, and I've already filed 3 bugs.  This does not seem
> good.  Before I spend the effort to switch over to see if things really
> *are* better over there, would someone please comment about the pros/cons
> of downloading and using OpenOffice on xubuntu/ubuntu?

What makes you think that the issue is only with LO?

RTF has always been an issue in OOo (now AOO and LO. While some
recommend using it, OOo & LO opinion has always been otherwise. I'm not
sure exactly why, as Microsoft has had a published RTF spec for many
years. But the spec seems to be a moving target[1]. Perhaps it's because
Microsoft doesn't always follow their own spec? Samples:

There are many, many more of course...

[Word 2003: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.8]
[Word 2007: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.9.1]
Even their own (Microsoft's) version 1.9.1 RTF editor had issues with it:
How do you expect 3rd party file filters to keep up as well?

My advise would be to do as most do these days: avoid RTF like the
plague it is. RTF is no longer acceptable in most circles... use ODF,
.odt, .pdf, or even .doc instead.

You can install Apache OpenOffice:

Or the standard version of LO:

However, as a heads up, take a look at my remarks in:
AOO 3.5, AbiWord the same issues.

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