Where to, LibreOffice?

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Mon Nov 12 14:34:07 UTC 2012

On Mon, 12 Nov 2012 06:25:45 +0700
Kyle Horatio Kosmo <kayhkay at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/11/12 06:55, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> > I've been at this a day, and I've already filed 3 bugs.  This does
> > not seem good.  Before I spend the effort to switch over to see if
> > things really *are* better over there, would someone please comment
> > about the pros/cons of downloading and using OpenOffice on
> > xubuntu/ubuntu?
> Give SoftMaker Office 2008 office suite a try...
> "The complete office suite for Windows and Linux as a free download."
> http://www.softmakeroffice.com/
But, if you go that route, be ready for the continual spam they send

Cybe R. Wizard
Minnesota Atty. Gen. Mike Hatch said he got about 300 of those. 
"It's sleazy," he said. "This is not a company that appears to 
be bothered by ethical boundaries." 

		Talking about MicroSoft's attempt to 
		fake grass root letters to the Atty Gen.

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