can't connect to Internet - DNS?

rikona rikona at
Mon Nov 12 07:39:27 UTC 2012

Hello Tom,

Sunday, November 11, 2012, 11:10:58 PM, Tom wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:59 AM, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
>> One of my 10.04 boxes can no longer see the Internet. Just happened -
>> has been working fine for quite a while. Nothing has been changed or
>> updated on that box, or the local net, or any other box. It can see
>> the other boxes on the local net, but not outside. Seems to be a DNS
>> problem. For some reason resolv.conf [on that box ] no longer has the
>> 'nameserver' line. If I put the correct line there, save, check it to
>> make sure it is changed, and reboot, it is again gone. How can I get
>> it to stay, and/or fix this in perhaps another way? And, why did it
>> 'just happen'?
>> In checking the net it is suggested to use network manager. I don't
>> seem to have network manager installed, even though Synaptic seems to
>> think it is. Do I need that tool to set this correctly?

> What's the output of:

> aptitude search -F "%c %a %M %30p %10t %20v %20V"
> "?or(dnsmasq,network-manager,resolvconf)"

> ps -ef | grep dhc

It's a bunch of stuff, but I can't reply from there, so will send it
later. Thanks very much for the fast reply!!

I've been fiddling with this for a while - I have to get up pre-dawn
tomorrow, and supposedly be quite alert :-), so I need to hit the bed



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