Where to, LibreOffice?

Jose I Diaz Bardales jose.dbardales at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 00:32:03 UTC 2012

On 11/10/2012 07:06 PM, William Scott Lockwood III wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2012 5:56 PM, "Kevin O'Gorman" <kogorman at gmail.com
> <mailto:kogorman at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> After a long time away, I find myself coming back to a word
> processor.  I'm about to write for publication, and they prefer a
> word-compatible format.  I used to use OpenOffice a bit, and don't
> remember having any trouble with it.  Now the repos seem to only have
> LibreOffice -- the things named after OpenOffice seem to be all
> transitional packages, not really OpenOffice at all.
>> I've been at this a day, and I've already filed 3 bugs.  This does not
> seem good.  Before I spend the effort to switch over to see if things
> really *are* better over there, would someone please comment about the
> pros/cons of downloading and using OpenOffice on xubuntu/ubuntu?
>> --
>> Kevin O'Gorman
>> programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine into software.
> OO.o is still maintained? I thought the dev community all went to LO. LO
> is what I use for the simple reason that it is actively maintained, and
> in the repo's. I believe it was forked from OO.o as well. I think there
> were shennanigans involving Oracle or someone, but I can't remember the
> exact details. Anyway, LO produces word docs just fine. Do it all the
> time at work for people who won't use free software.

I believe OpenOffice in now develop by the Apache Foundation and the
last thing I heard they were working on a OO version for the cloud.

Anyways, You should be able to open, edit, and save all your documents
as *.doc or *.docx

IMHO LibreOffice does have some minor bugs, but you should be able to
work on your documents unless you have some very special requirements.


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